🇫🇷 ‣

Comment déterminer la phase d’évolution d’un composent qui est une :

Based on characteristics

Stage (of activity) / Phase (d’une activité) ‣ ‣ ‣ (+‣ ‣ (+‣
‣ Rare Slowly increasing consumption Rapidly increasing consumption Widespread and stabilising
Certainty / Certitude Poorly Understood Rapid increase in learning Rapide increases in use / fit for purpose Commonly understood (in terms of use)
Publication Types / type de publication scientifiques Normally describe the wonder of the thing Build / construct / awareness and learning Maintenance / operation / installation / feature Focuses on use

Based on general properties

Stage (of activity) / Phase (d’une activité) ‣ ‣ ‣ (+‣ ‣ (+‣
Market Undefined Market Forming Market Growing market Mature Market
Knowledge management Uncertain Learning on use Learning on operation known / accepted
Market perception Chaotic (non linear) Domaine of experts Increasing expectation of use Ordered (appearance of being linear) / trivial
User perception Different / confusing / exciting / surprising Leading edge / emerging Common / disappointed of not used or available Standard / expected
Perception in industry Competitive advantage / unpredictable / unknown Competitive advantage / ROI / case exemple Advantage through implementation / features Cost of doing business / ‣
Focus on value High future worth Seeking profit / ROI ? High Profitability High volume / reducing margin
Understanding Poorly understood / unpredictable Increasing understanding / development of mesures Increasing education / constant refinement of needs / measures Believed to be well defined / stable / measurable
Comparison Constantly changing / a differential / unstable Learning from others / testing the water / some evidential support Feature difference Essential / operational advantage
Failure High / tolerated / assumed Moderate / unsurprising but disappointed Not tolerated, focus on constant improvement Operational efficiency and surprised by failure
Market action Gambling / driven by gut Exploring a “found” value Market analysis / listening to customer Metric driven / build what is needed
Efficiency Reducing the cost of charge (experimentation) Reducing cost of waste (learning) Reducing cost of waste (learning) Reducing cost of deviation (volume)
Decision driver Heritage / culture Analysis & Synthesis Analysis & Synthesis Previous experience